Monday, August 25, 2014

P1 From the Ground Up in Parramore

This studio intended to explore the role of Architecture in redevelopment. The context for our first investigation is the Parramore District, a varied fabric of historically African American neighborhoods that have suffered decline and blight. More than a decade ago the city of Orlando put in place a redevelopment plan. Currently this plan is undergoing a major revision.

Three main tasks kick off investigation of Parramore and its neighborhoods.
  • Map accumulation and investigation
  • Research history and future 
  • First hand experience

The goal is to be able to discuss redevelopment from the top down and from the bottom up.

Amenities & Social Infrastructure (Physical/Social Structures).These will provide clues.
Space (borrowed, squatted, temporary, etc)
Partnerships (group share, etc)
Community assets
Social Practices (leadership, eldership, cooperation, recreation, gardening, etc)
Stability (access, services, safety, environment, etc)
Mobility (advancement, opportunity, etc)

Ownership (voice, ability to modify and adapt, make one's own)
Flexibility (how do people "fit")
Growth (can space accommodate future) also, retract?

Perform three self portraits in the District. Post these along with your other findings. You may divide your posts according to categories and devise simple one word labels for them..

Read as many of the texts as you can!
Hackable Cities: A Toolkit for Re-Imagining Your Neighborhood, by Cecilia Tham's Studio of Strategic Design + Management Program, Parsons The New School for Design. (c) 2014. Available on ISSUU,
Tactical Urbanism Vol 1, Street Plans Collaborative. ISSUU,
Tactical Urbanism Vol 2, Street Plans Collaborative. ISSUU,
Bottom-Up Urbanism: A Survey of Temporary Use in Europe, David Glick. ISSUU,
Public Interest Design: Evaluating Public Architecture. A collaborative report by the University of Texas School of Architecture Center for Sustainable Development, its Public Interest Design Externship Program, and Public Architecture. ISSUU.
Parklets- Experiments in Urban Public Space. Research Report from 2012 Public Interest Design Summer Program's Externship with Public Architecture. ISSUU.
Handmade Urbanism. Planum the Journal of Urbanism. ISSUU.
Kickstart Urbanism, starting planning projects is difficult but can be helped by kickstart urbanism. Markus Appenzeller MLA+, ISSUU.
Atlantis #23.2 Re-thinking Practice. TU Delft. 11/2012.ISSUU.
In Favour Of Public Space. First of European Prize for Urban Public Space. Actar Publishers. ISSUU.
British Pavilion Curators Interview: Crimson Architectural Historians. The Architectural Review: (2014)

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